Ignition Programme

Are you considering starting a new business but feel overwhelmed?
Join CleanMyBed’s franchise team and take advantage of our 100-day Ignition Programme!
Our tailored programme is based on our collective experience and analytics from current franchisees. It’s designed to help you establish your business, create a sales strategy, and efficiently scale your operations. With realistic targets and averages, you’ll reach the “Out of the Blocks” milestone within 100 days, a realistic short-term goal that will help you get to a point where your business is profitable and sustainable as quickly as possible.
Programme Overview
The programme has three phases:
Phase 1: (Days 1-20)
During the first 20 days, you will build your business plan while familiarising yourself with CleanMyBed’s culture, values, and objectives.
Our team will create a personal webpage, Google Business listing, Facebook page, and Instagram page for each new franchisee during onboarding. We will also set up Ad accounts on your behalf and provide you with access to any other tools required to support you, such as Google Analytics and Facebook Pixel.
Phase 2: (Days 21-60)
Over the next 40 days, put your business plan into action and expand your customer base. Focus on localised and targeted B2C areas, and leverage your friends and family networks to gain referrals.
During this phase, CleanMyBed will launch a dedicated Digital Marketing Kickstarter Campaign to promote your business online in your local area. The campaign will be supported by ad spend from your initial buy-in fee, which will be reinvested directly into your franchise.
Phase 3: (Days 61-100)
In the last 40 days, evaluate your progress and adjust your strategies as needed to achieve your sales goals. Use these findings to review your business plan and rollout your ongoing marketing strategy.
You will now be equipped to use the various platforms created for your business and manage them with confidence.
Achieving Success
Our goal is to help you reach the audience you want to target. Achieve success with CleanMyBed’s Ignition Programme by:

Attending training sessions or webinars to learn more about the business and industry

Practicing your service delivery and administration to perfection so that you’re confident and efficient

Offering services for free or at a discounted rate to gain exposure and build confidence

Hosting local events to promote your business and build relationships with your customers

Using social media to promote your business to potential customers

Attending local events to meet other business owners and potential customers

Joining online forums and groups to make connections with potential customers and other business owners