Our Advisory Board

Dr Jill Warner
I have a BSc in Immunology and Physiology and a PhD in Allergy from the University of London. I have worked for the National Heart and Lung Institute at the Brompton Hospital in London, The University of Southampton and Imperial College London. I am currently an Honorary Professor in Paediatrics at The University of Cape Town. My research interests are in the foetal origins of allergic disease and environmental allergen avoidance and I have been an invited speaker at scientific and clinical conferences across the world. I have published over 100 peer reviewed papers and journal articles in the field of allergy. During my research career I supervised 3 PhD students to completion of their further degrees. In my educational role I established and directed 2 postgraduate Masters programmes in Allergy, one in Southampton and one at Imperial College London. Both programmes are attended by international students from a large number of countries and are based on a combined face to face and e-learning platform. My role included the overseeing and supervision of the research component of the programmes.
I have much experience in giving both radio and television interviews and hugely enjoy being able to explain scientific concepts to general populations.
I have been the Chair of a range of management and administrative committees in my capacity as the Co-ordinator of Taught Postgraduate Programmes in both Southampton and London and have been responsible for the production of Annual reports and budget statements for both research and educational programmes.
Currently I have established a link with the Immunology Department at The University of Cape Town to investigate the maternal and environmental influences on the development of the immune system in thoroughbred racehorse foals focussing on potential respiratory disease and its effect on racing performance (a great interest of mine!)

Oliver Codderington
Oliver is supporting the commercialisation of CMB’s innovative product and service solution, as well as supporting the founders to streamline existing activity streams and scale their proposition. Oliver is an authentic leader placing a high value on integrity, a problem solver at heart and driven by a desire to empower others to achieve their potential.

Roderick Cameron LLB (Hons) Dip.L.P. MBA
Roderick’s career background brings a unique blend of skills to understanding managing people and operations in a business. He is legally trained and understands the culture and practices of service businesses. His time in financial communications allows him to understand how to deliver critical advice to clients in their most difficult and exposed moments.
As a business growth adviser, trained in a methodology derived from fund management to drive intangible asset growth into scaling companies, Roderick has learned the mathematics of business and can translate these into systems that make a business more profitable and more satisfying to run.

Roy Fine
Roy Fine has more than 35 years of experience in business, ranging from more formal large businesses to small start-ups. In each engagement, Roy’s focus has been on “making a difference” which includes mentorship, funding, connectivity & post-investment support. He particularly has been supporting young entrepreneurs for many years.
Amongst numerous start-ups, Roy, together with Adam Fine, started and developed the successful “Fives Futbol” (www.fivesfutbol.co.za) and until recently served as the company’s Chairman. He is actively involved in facilitating the process & development of these early-stage businesses using his significant “connectivity” to both raise funds where required, but most often for “Route to Market” (getting their services and/or products in front of decision makers.
Other start-ups include: “Zang” caffeinated chocolates (First and only in SA) (www.zangchocolate.com ), “Mapli” (www.mapli.co.za) a unique transaction platform which services the Spar Group in SA, “NuMuti” (www.numuti.co.za), “CleanMyBed” (www.cleanmybed.com) to name just a few.
Roy’s personal network and connectivity across South Africa and abroad allows him to make a difference and provide value to all businesses he interacts and engages with.

Robert Dancy
Robert Dancy has over 25 years’ experience within the franchise industry having grown up surrounded by his father’s business that developed as a franchisor in the early 1990s.
Oscar Pet Foods became the UK’s leading pet food van-based franchise with a network of over 100 franchisees. Robert’s career began as an Oscar franchisee at the age of 18 gaining first hand grass roots experience prior to his degree. Following graduation Robert joined FranchiseSales.com helping initiate and develop their leading franchise recruitment portal.
Positions in franchise recruitment, sales, marketing and business development have provided a wealth of experience. Robert now thrives on helping business and individuals realise their growth strategy and potential through franchising and has been based in the North West of England since 2008.
- Producing detailed financial feasibility models and development plans.
- Drafting legal briefing questionnaires, and working with lawyers to produce franchise agreements.
- System planning and engineering.
- Writing franchise documentation and franchise operating manuals.
- Writing franchise marketing documentation and materials.
- Structuring recruitment processes, including prospective franchisee meetings, business planning, advising on funding options, and completing and signing franchise agreements.
- Recruiting franchisees, inc enquiry handling, prospect meetings and handling all post meeting follow up.
- Advising on, structuring and running franchisee training with ongoing business mentoring and support.
- System review and updates for existing franchisors and franchisees.